Magnet Weekly CTF — Week 5

4 min readNov 9, 2020

Ok, well this week I knew was going to be rough, but I didn’t know I was going to need this much luck.

This week’s question was a bit “off the beaten path” in terms of forensics, the question was to find the file name associated with a block ID in the forensic image of a Hadoop Cluster.

Some background

If you’re not familiar with Hadoop, this question was probably going to require a little bit of digging, but essentially, Hadoop is a distributed filesystem which runs on top of your base operating system and needs Java to run. If you want to learn more, here you go.

Rabbit Hole of Death

I went down my first rabbit hole trying to essentially recreate a Hadoop cluster locally and somehow mount the forensic image as the files for it, but that was a brick wall. To say I spent a lot of time on this is an understatement. I tried all sort of things from attempting to mount an hdfs cluster in Linux to setting up a Cloudera instance online (this cost money, so that’s where I drew the line). This was evidently NOT how to solve this challenge.


So after sleeping on it, I did a little more digging in FTK Imager only to find the following files in the Master E01 file:

I was curious about what fsimage_* files were and had my first bit of luck by finding this page when looking for what function those files serve:

Aha! So these files are not only viewable, they very likely contain the information I need to answer this question.

Rabbit Hole #2

From the link above, it became evident I needed to able to run the ‘hdfs’ or ‘hadoop’ commands locally on my Linux VM. I spent another large chunk of time attempting to setup a local Hadoop cluster locally when I had my second bit of luck finding that you could simply install the Hadoop Command Line interface:

It’s the darkest before the dawn

At this point I knew I needed 2 things:

  • Java SDK
  • Hadoop

But which versions? I wasn’t too sure it mattered, but I had remembered seeing something in the original image that I went back to:

I ended up installing both those versions, although it occurred to me later that I probably could have just exported those files and untared them. Oh well.

Ok, so I finally extracted the Hadoop command line tools, installed the correct Java version and so I run:

./hdfs --version

aaaaaaand “Error: Unable to find $JAVA_HOME”

Close but no cigar. Ok, so I go and find where my java installation is. Again this took me way more time than it should have but eventually the internet yielded the answer:

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64"

Granted, this could be dependent on what version of java you installed, so my command was slightly different.

Moment of Truth

At last I had all the pieces put together, my Linux VM gave me a correct response to the hdfs --version command and we were ready to go. I expoerted the first file I found to test it out and see what I got. Let’s be honest, I expected a full screen of error messages:

./hdfs oiv -i fsimage_0000000000000000024 -o fsimage24.xml -p XML

No errors. Crap, it probably didn’t do anything. But wait, is that an actual file named fsimage24.xml, and it’s not zero bytes? It’s a small file, let’s search for that block ID (1073741825):

So we see that the block ID is associated with inode 16387 and the associated file name is AptSource. I’ll admit I thougth to myself “There’s no way that’s it”. But since we had unlimited tries, I figured it was worth a try. Bingo!

Note: It then dawned on me that this was yet the third bit of luck I had as this was the first file I had selected and this was from the Master E01 file. I hadn’t even touched the two Slave E01’s yet, but had the answer been in one of the other images, the same process would have applied, just different files.

